Tuesday 28 August 2012


Sorry I have been missing in action lately. I went back to work after a few weeks off and it was all about trying to settle into a routine, but I never forgot about you guys. In fact I have been doing some research on another diet regimen out there that many of you have heard of called VEGANISM!!!!

In a nutshell

No meat
No eggs
No dairy products
No white sugar
No foods processed using animal products
Avoid wearing leather, fur and wool
Life without animal products

Lots of grains
Lots of beans
Lots of legumes
Lots of vegetables
Lots of fruit
Lots of almond milk or soy milk

But surprisingly there are a lot of things you can make and eat on a vegan based diet, even vegan lasagne. A colleague of mine sent me a link to a book she has (let me just mention here that she is a staunch vegan for ethical and dietary reasons). I was thinking this book was going to be a bland tale about a bland diet, but actually it was a really fun read which actually showed just how much choice there really is.

And to top it off it was called SKINNY BITCH IN THE KITCH: Kick Ass Solutions for Girls Who Want to Stop Cooking Crap (and start looking hot)by Rory Freedman. (Can you get a more awesome name for a cook book)Anyway I ordered my copy and I have to say it was really cool to see what options would be if I went vegan. It was choc full of information and recipes and definitely (as the title shows) a really good read. I have put link in this website if you want to check the book out. Don't go by my word though you can actually browse some sample pages of the book on Amazon and see for yourself what I mean.

Although, I have to say I have not completely cut out meat from diet as yet (this folks is  a work in progress) this book certainly provides me with more recipes and information while making the meat free transition!

Friday 17 August 2012

Interesting places - Scotland

Today's beautiful place is from Scotland! Fairy Pools, Isle of Skye Scotland - Gorgeous

Thursday 16 August 2012

Beautiful places pictures

I am going to start posting pics of amazing places I would love to go. Here are a couple. El Chorro, Spain

The Verzasca River in Switzerland is so clean you can see down 50 feet to the riverbed

Holland and Barrett Sale

Guys, I just got this amazing deal emailed through to me from Holland and Barrett. Check out this link. It looks really good! Gonna stop by there tomorrow to stock up. Its  a long link I know, but it gives you an idea of what kinds of deals they have and you can click right through to there site.

One of my favs is the half price whey protein powder.


Monday 13 August 2012

Specific Carbohydrate Diet

Are any of you suffering from digestive problems such as Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's, IBS, ulcers or any other digestive problem? Well, I certainly know a lot of people who are and are taking tons of medications. I for one am not a huge fan of popping pills and am always trying to find more natural ways to cure illnesses. So while researching digestive diseases I came across a pretty interesting diet that seems to work quite well for a lot of people, getting them regular and helping them loose weight. So I did some research.

Here are the details:

1. Lactose free

2. Strict grain free
3. Sucrose free

Goal: Decrease excess sugars in the gut which promote bacterial overgrowth

Principle: Specifically selected carbohydrates that are easy to digest are eaten. People who suffer with digestive problems cannot digest all types of carbohydrates so the undigestive products cause harmful bacteria and products to flourish. When specific carbohydrates are chosen they are able to pass through the digestive system easily leaving nothing behind, thereby decreasing the bad bacteria in the gut and allowing the microvilli in the gut time to heal. No longer needing to be in the gut the mucous producing cells dry up and stop producing mucous. It harmonizes the bacterial flora in your gut!

What you can eat:

Meats: Eggs, Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Fish, Pork, Wild Game, Bacon, Lamb
Vegetables: Fresh or frozen of most commonly eaten vegetables are acceptable (asparagus, beets, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, celery, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, kale, lettuce, mushrooms, onions, peas, peppers, pumpkin, spinach, squash, string Beans, tomatoes and watercress)
Fruits:  Fresh or Frozen or dried with nothing added are acceptable (apples, avocados, bananas (ripe with black spots), berries of all kinds, coconut, dates, grapefruit, grapes, kiwi fruit, kumquats, lemons, limes, mangoes, melons, nectarines, oranges, papayas, peaches, pears, pineapples, prunes, raisins, rhubarb, tangerines)
Dairy: SCD Yogurt, natural 30 day aged Cow and Goat cheeses (not Kraft), Butter, Ghee, and Dry Curd Cottage Cheese.
Nuts: Almonds, Pecans, Brazil, Hazelnuts, Walnuts, Cashews, Chestnuts (no additives allowed)
Legumes: Peanuts, White beans, Navy Beans, Lentils, Split Peas, Lima beans, Kidney beans, Black beans
Spices: Most non-mixed spices are allowed, but always check for anti-caking agents,
Drinks: Weak tea or coffee, Water, Mineral Water, Club soda, Dry Wine, Gin, Rye, Scotch, Bourbon, Vodka
What you cannot eat:
Grains: Wheat, Barley, Corn, Rye, Oats, Rice, Buckwheat, Millet, Triticale, Bulgur, Spelt, Quinoa
Meats: Ham, Processed Sausages, sandwich meats, bratwurst, Hot dogs
Vegetables: Canned are not allowed due to the usual addition of sugars, processing aids and preservative chemicals.
Fruits: Canned and most fruit juices are not allowed due to the common addition of sweeteners, preservatives, and processing aids.
Legumes: Soybeans, chick peas, bean sprouts, mungbeans, fava beans, garbanzo beans
Dairy: Commercial yogurts, milk of any kind, unnatural cheeses, cottage cheese, cream cheese, Feta, Gejetost, Mozzarella, Neufchatel, Primost, Ricotta, Processed cheese spreads.
Starches/Tubers: Potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, arrowroot, parsnip, cornstarch, tapioca starch
Spices: No Curry powders and a lot of onion and garlic powders are filled with anti-caking agents. 
Drinks: Instant coffee, juices, milk, soda, sweet wines, flavoured liqueurs, brandy, sherry

Do not use sweeteners, sugars, agave. Honey is fine to use in small quantities. 

If any of you out there have tried this diet or are currently on this diet I would love to hear from you. I am going to try it out and see how I do!

I found this awesome book about the diet which goes into much further detail, providing recipes and detailed lists. I picked it up on Amazon. If you want to get a copy too I have put the link in below. 

RunnersWeb   Athletics: Grandma's Minnesota Mile Registration Opens

Hey guys check this out from Runners Web. Common motivate your grandma's!

RunnersWeb   Athletics: Grandma's Minnesota Mile Registration Opens

Olympic Fever!

The Olympics have finally come to an end with the culminating ceremony celebrating British music. I have to say that I was definitely sad to see it all end. The excitement leading up to the games and during the games was overwhelming. I did find that all the worries that were expressed regarding transport and safety were unfounded as the games seemed to run exceptionally smoothly. 

The slogan "Inspire a Generation" really seemed to stick in the minds of people around England. In fact I find myself getting meshed into the fever and being inspired. The one thing that did stick out to me was that no matter who you are, what background and no matter what experiences you have in life if you are inspired to do something and you really push yourself, you can achieve anything.

Therefore lets use these Olympics to inspire ourselves, set high standards and achieve goals we always dreamed of. Lets not let the slogan be said in vain and instead embrace it to the fullest and always remember the triumphant spirit of the London 2012 Olympic Games!